This is what mommy and Nathan missed when they fly to Taiwan this afternoon. It was raining but suddenly the sun showed his face for a short while, and beautiful rainbow appeared.
Saturdays are days I do yard works. Today I worked on uncle Mark's truck, working on dirt with a heavy duty mini size shovel (鏟子). Ok, call it a spoon if you like, but I really enjoy working with it, I refused to take a rest even strongly suggested. They had to MAKE me do it.
It was a farewell party for Min and Hsiu-Hui. Nathan was very busy too.
Eating cake
eating cookie
running around eating cookie
We are praying that Min and Hsiu-Hui, Nathan's God parents, will stay here. They have been such good friends and company to us all. And this is what Nathan will say "Hsiu-Hui mama please stay, I like you very much, it is only with you that I can eat whatever I want."
Daddy bought Nathan these blocks, wishing to see him play with them doing "constructive." But Nathan is not interested in that. Nathan will coming running whenever he sees a block tower being built. Can't wait to ....