星期二, 8月 29, 2006

Roaring Camp II

Finally we made it to board the train on the 3rd trail.

The second trail was on Saturday, when we had the afternoon break, but we left the restaurant too late, and we realized that we can't make it on time. But we drove by the park anyway, Nathan fell asleep shortly after we passed the park. He slept for about 2 hours, mommy dozed off too because she didn't sleep at all the first night at the retreat. So daddy turned the car to highway one north, one of his favorite road for sightseeing. (After about half an hour nap at the Santa Cruz coast)

Nathan woke up weeping, mommy tried to comfort him and thought he had a bad dream, but he just won't stop. So mommy asked what happened, Nathan replied "脖子酸酸" Mommy asked if he can lift his head up, "不可以" was the anwer.

So we tried again on Sunday, this time we made sure that we have plenty of time to arrive the park. Nathan was excited to see and board the train, but he was also tired. The train zig-zag through the redwood forest reach a beautiful grove of redwood called cathedral, where two generations of big tall redwood tree form a circle. The train ride took almost 1.5 hour, and daddy was grateful that it was perfect timing for his another bathroom run.

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星期三, 8月 23, 2006

Roaring Camp

Since Nathan is crazy about trains these days, daddy and mommy decided to take him to ride the real train last Saturday. Unfortunately we arrived too late and don't have time to take a ride. Nathan was disappointed, but we will try to come back next Saturday when we have a long break during retreat.

This is a working antique

Playing in the "farm house"

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星期二, 8月 22, 2006


兩歲的Nathan吃飯總要邊吃邊玩,一頓飯吃好久. 時過夏至,天就黑得越來越早,等小傢伙吃飽天已經半黑了.
只好學古人秉燭夜遊了,小傢伙可是樂的很. 說到秉燭夜遊就想到詩人李白. Here is the excellent article come to mind:

春夜宴從弟桃花園序 李白



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星期五, 8月 18, 2006

Day 2, I'm very sleepy, everyone...

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Meet Uncle Sony's daughter

Uncle Sony was entering labor room.....big time!!

Hello World~~nice meet you......... 01:07am, Aug. 14th, 2006.

Look at me.....I'm 3340g and 49cm long.

Posted by Picasa check baby girl~~Little Miss Yang's photo album: http://picasaweb.google.com/denise.deniseyth

星期二, 8月 15, 2006

A Banana story

This is a story happened between a two years old and his banana. He ate and played with his banana, although the boy managed to force half of the banana managed into his mouth, the other half, the slippery half, tried to run away. The boy catch it with his feet and stump it under his feet, until the poor banana was rescued. It was a sad story.

星期六, 8月 12, 2006

Blue dragon fly

A blue dragon fly came visit us when daddy and Nathan played at the back yard. It's not his first encounter with dragon fly, but this is the first time Nathan got a chance to closely exam one.

Hello dragon fly
You pretty little thing

Where did it go?

星期四, 8月 10, 2006


Daddy has been using Picasa for a while. It's a photo album tool with simple editing function, you can crop the photo, try your luck with "I am feeling lucky" which will improve the photo quality 2/3 of the time. Recently Picasa added the online album function, it makes uploading Nathan's photo very easy, but it's a invited only feature for now. That's why daddy can upload many Nathan's photos in a short time, it provides 250MB free space for uploading.

Overall, daddy has been very happy with the tool, but the feature daddy like most is: it's free!
Get your free Picasa here. Highly recommended for anyone wants to upload/edit photos and can't spend much time on it.

Take a hint, Sony: upload many photos soon!

P.S. check out Aunty Shelly's dress-up photos at Nathan's photo site.

星期三, 8月 09, 2006

Children's discovery museum

Mommy took Nathan to San Jose Children's discovery museum.

driving lesson #1
dinner time

星期四, 8月 03, 2006

狗要叫 and 羊要叫

Nathan has entered a stage that he like to do things he was told not to do.
Today he spread catch-up all over his face, and was punished by mommy.

But sometimes he will do something very funny. Like when we ask him to repeat the book三字經, he automatically translate "DON'T" into "DO"

so "苟不教,性乃遷" will become "狗要叫,性乃遷"; and "養不教" becomes "羊要叫"

Don't have the catch-up picture, but this one is close.