Nathan was sick for more than a week. Mommy, daddy, aunties, and uncles were all so very worried, praying day and night until Nathan is normal again.
It all started with stomach, Nathan suffered from vomiting and diarrhea on 8/17. August 18 the vomiting stopped, but he still got diarrhea, August 19 the diarrhea continues and Nathan became quite weak and was send to emergency room (ER). He was kept in the intensive care unit (ICU) for one night, some exams was done and an IV (點滴)was given. Even after returned home from hospital, the diarrhea continued for another 5 days. The only thing he can eat during that time was brown rice soup (糙米湯), the only ingredient was brown rice. Everyone including Nathan were so frightened because Nathan was very weak from Friday to Monday, and the diarrhea seemed to go on and on.
praise the Lord that all the bad things have passed and Nathan is healthy again, thank all the aunties and uncles comforted prayed with us. The Lord has heard our prayers and healed Nathan!