Since Nathan is in Taiwan visiting 外公外婆, daddy has no new photos to show. Here are some old photo's as well as something about Nathan worth putting down.
Although he can't speak whole sentence yet, Nathan expresses his opinion pretty well. And he demands to do many things himself. If you try to feed him something while he is eating, your best bet is do it while direct his attention somewhere; otherwise he will point to his bowl, asking you put food in the bowl. He usually needs a good wash for his hands as well as his face.
Most of the time you can't argue with him, he will insist things be done his way. That is, until his attention transfer to next subject.
He is quite friendly most of the time, Mommy said she took Nathan for a walk the other day in Taipei, strangers in the park were saying he is a cute boy, so he walked to them and shacked hands with them.